It was designed to be a platform to encourage others to come forward with information and offer encouragement and support to all those affected by the corrupt.  It is a way for us to bring awareness and educate others on the dangers of being complacent towards a disease that cripples and destroys just and moral society.

Corruption increases the cost of public services and slows down service delivery to the public - going against the Constitution and the Batho Pele principles on service delivery.  Perhaps of even greater importance is the fuel that drives this engine - the will to fight corruption and to create a healthy, ethical, and prosperous Nation.

Corruption exists in both developed and developing countries and destroys the positive value systems of all societies and institutions. It replaces the concept and practice of human solidarity with the unfettered pursuit of individual gain, grafted onto the imperatives prescribed by free market ideology.  It emasculates development and democracy and undermines the fight against poverty by diverting key resources away from programmes designed to improve the quality of life especially of the poor, globally.

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